Facebook New DIV tags

Written by Saran on
December 13, 2011,
December 21, 2013As per Facebook, they are going to deprecate all FBML tags, and will be completely be removed by June 1st 2012. All FBML tags <fb:comments>, <fb:feed> etc will no longer work. So what happens if all FBML tags no longer supported by Facebook? simple, just switch to regular HTML and Javascript
socal plugins, or use their
Graph API.
For example, if you want to use Facebook comments in your page. Just call their Javascript API within <body></body> of your page, (Replace
xxxxxx with your app ID):[cc lang="html"]
[/cc]Once Javascript API is loaded in your page, you can call any Facebook plugin you want with DIV HTML code. Now place this comments HTML code anywhere you want the comment to appear on your page:[cc lang="html"] [/cc]Activity Feed:[cc lang="html"]
[/cc]Facebpile:[cc lang="html"]
[/cc]Like Button:[cc lang="html"]
[/cc]Check out
Facebook for more plugin tags.Note: For those using
Joomla Facebook Connect from sanwebe.com, similar approach applies when calling all facebook connect plugin in your Joomla artices. You DO NOT have to call Javascript API, because that will already be loaded in your page once you activate the Login Module. Just place the DIV tags provided in their website, and you are ready to go.