60+ Free Quality WordPress themes

Ordinary free themes are easy to find, but most of them are just junk and old. Finding some free high-quality WordPress themes can be a difficult task. I’ve been searching for good set of free quality WordPress themes, and I came across many good looking themes, it was nice to find all new premium quality WordPress themes and absolutely free to use in any WordPress site. 

Bold first paragraph of WordPress content

For this WordPress blog, I was looking for a quick PHP snippet on the web to make first paragraph bold, or increase its font size in post contents, like they have in Smashing Magazine website.  I found few examples but not everything is clear. I didn’t want to use CSS :first-child Selector, because it won’t work with older browsers.

Add/Insert Custom Text In WordPress Posts

Lets say you want to insert custom text or HTML snippet in your WordPress post content, and you may be thinking different approaches like manually editing hundreds of post and inserting them? Well! that’s just time consuming! Try these PHP codes for WordPress that will easily insert your text or HTML in your posts.

Remove jQuery or Any Script from WordPress

Sometimes you may need newer version of jQuery to run your custom theme or some plugins. In that situations you may want to remove WordPress core jQuery to load your own version of jQuery.