Creating Simple Form using PHP and MySql

HTML form is an essential part of Web development process, it allows us to gather data from user inputs and we can do various things with the data we receive from user, we can send email, change interface, layout or save the data directly to our MySql table.

Confirmation dialog on leaving page (Javascript)

If you want to show confirmation dialog before user leaves or reloads the page, you can use Javascript onbeforeunload() event attribute. When unload event fires, it shows a prompt asking whether user wants to leave or reload the page. Most browsers will return the event string, but in some browsers such as Firefox it may not be displayed.

Image Gallery from a Directory using PHP

The PHP code will iterate though all the images in a folder and list them on the webpage as image gallery. The the sky is the limit, you can use it like batch processing code to make thumbnails or store them in the database.

Quick jQuery Form Validation

If you want a quick validation of your form without using any validation plugin, this jQuery snippet could do the trick. This snippet will prevent form submit and change field border color to red, unless user corrects the invalid or empty fields.$(document).ready(function() { $("#my_form").submit(function(e) { //loop through each required field and simply change border color to red for invalid fields $("#my_form input[required=true], #my_form select[required=true], #my_form textarea[required=true]").each(function(){ var proceed = true; $(this).css('border-color',''); //reset border color if(!$.trim($(this).val())){ //if this field is empty $(this).css('border-color','red'); //change border color to red //alert("Field is empty"); proceed = false; //set do not proceed flag } //check invalid email var email_reg = /^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/; if($(this).attr("type")=="email" && !email_reg.test($.trim($(this).val()))){ $(this).css('border-color','red'); //change border color to red proceed = false; //set do not proceed flag } if(proceed){ //everything looks good return; //submit form } e.preventDefault(); }); }); });Usage Just set your form id to “my_form” and add required attribute to each input field you want to validate, as shown in example below.