Robert Moog Google Doodle

Robert Arthur “Bob” Moog (May 23, 1934 – August 21, 2005), founder of Moog Music. A Tribute Video by Google.

Fixing Image Orientation using its Exif data

Sometimes photos are wrongly taken, eg: upside down, sideways etc, and most newbie users don’t know how to rotate image, so they might just upload image “as it is”. This might cause the problem later, unless you have some kind of image rotate program to set it right.

Grab Picture From Remote URL

It’s a really easy function to that copies remote picture into local folder. You can just use PHP copy() directly, but this function does little more than that, enjoy.function grab_remote_pic($new_file_name, $local_dir_path, $remote_picture_url) { if(!is_dir($local_dir_path)){ //create new dir if doesn't exist mkdir($local_dir_path); } $local_file_path = $local_dir_path .'/'.$new_file_name; if(copy($remote_picture_url, $local_file_path)) { return true; } } Usage ://grab_remote_pic(NEW FILE NAME, LOCAL SAVE PATH, REMOTE IMAGE URL) grab_remote_pic('new_file_name.gif', 'home/path/to/local/images/', '');

Make Your Own Cartoons, 20+ Tutorials

This tutorial collection features basic Photoshop & Illustrator drawing techniques to advance coloring and Shading . If  you are good with pencil and paper, why not make your own cartoon and transform your work into digital art. You just need to learn how to effectively use modern digital tools & techniques. This is a collection of 20 old and new tutorials focusing specifically on creating cartoon objects and characters. These wealth of tutorials will help you understand how professionals work & use their skills to adopt to different situations, and will immensely improve your design skills.