Facebook Connect with PHP SDK v4

Since my last post about Facebook connect back in 2012, Facebook still remains the top user registration source, well at-least in my imagination! And recently they have released PHP SDK version 4 with significant changes. So, today we are going to talk about it a bit and try and create a working Facebook Sign-Up page using their SDK v4.

Shorten URLs using Bit.ly API (PHP)

Here’s PHP function that comes in handy when you want to shorten long URLs into short Bit.ly URLs, before sharing it to Twitter or other Social networks. First you need to create Bit.ly OAuth application here, when you create an application you will be able to generate “Generic Access Token” under this application to make API requests on behalf of your own account.

Amazon SNS Subscription verification with PHP

I’ve been trying to set up Amazon SES for my small group of subscribers, as I was done using Feedburner. Because we all know there not much option to manipulate email template, and worst, there is no API available to play with! So I decided to switch to low cost Amazon SES, which is exactly I need.