10 Reasons To Own A Blog As A Freelancer

Written by
Laxman Papineni on
July 5, 2013,
October 11, 2018Lots of freelancers own blogs nowadays. It comes with plenty of advantages and benefits and therefore it is understandable why they would choose this means of communicating with their clients. If you are a freelancer but you haven't started blogging yet, this article will show you why it would be a great idea to own a blog. To be more precise, what is to come will present you a list of ten reasons why you, the freelancer, should try this on.

Speak about yourself
People will get more attracted to your business if they will get to see a small part of yourself. Obviously that, by that I don't refer to your personal and private self, but to you as a businessman or woman. In fact this is what people require to know about you, in order to realize if they want to make business with you. On your blog, you will be the one who will take care of every single thing; this means that you will be in charge with the organization, the design, the texts, and so on. Therefore, you shouldn't take these things lightly because potential business partners have the tendency to analyze everything. At the same time, this shouldn't scare you off. But it should make you even more eager to start this blog. Also, if you already own a website, you should totally add its address on your blog, so that people will be able to have a look at your some of your products and services. Become easy to find
It goes without saying that if you want your freelance business to grow you will need customers. Well, having a blog will definitely help you in this sense, because through it you will gain some popularity. However, before getting here you will have to take care of certain things. For instance, you could increase traffic by having a content rich in keywords. Or, you could exchange links with other bloggers. This way, you will gain exposure to a wide number of people and with a bit of luck to some potential customers, as well. At the same time, once people will read your blog they will recommend you to their friends; therefore, the word of mouth advertisement is still a reliable source of publicity. In other word, you should definitely start blogging because it is an easy way for people to find you. It works on your image
Having a blog will help you create a nice image and as a result a potential customer will be likely to go for your services rather than for somebody else's who doesn't own a blog. To be more precise if you will start this activity, you will have something with which you will be able to prove your previous experience. Not to mention, that if these employers will go to your blog and they will see that people appreciate your work and services, they will definitely be convinced to hire you. It will boost your confidence
Maybe it will sound silly, but actually it is very important to be confident and optimistic when freelancing. However, it is not rare for a freelancer to feel sad and depressed after completing a project. This means that they have to start looking for clients, once again and that for a period of time they won't be earning money. Well, if you are blogging, you will do something beneficial for your job, instead of just wasting time. Thus, you won't have time feeling blue, since you will be busy improving and adding content to your blog. Forget about third parties
I bet you have tried finding a job through one of those freelancing websites, at least once. They are good client seekers, but they also have various shortcomings. For instance, you are likely to lose a project if there is someone who would do the same work for less moneyand also, if you have managed to seal a deal the website owners will charge you a fee. Unlike blogs, where there are only two parties involved (you and the client), such freelancing websites will make you lose money, to third parties. Meet other bloggers
You will see that once you will start you blog, you will meet other people like you who will definitely help you gain some popularity. Of course, that you, in your turn, will help them, too. To be more precise this is how things will work. You will exchange linkswith one anotherand thus your blog will become quite popular. At the same time, you could become a guest writer on various places, which will definitely make people see as an expert in your area. Earn extra money
Blogs could help you earn some money if, for instance you will sell your products with its help. At the same time, you may enter various affiliate programs, which will help you increase your revenues if you will refer customers to different companies. Or, you may add advertisements on your blog. A great choice, in this sense would be Google AdSense, although Google takes a commission fee. But, if there are certain companies you would like to advertise on your blog, then you should contact these and add their advertisements on your blog. Create a mailing list
I believe you are aware of the advantages that a maligning list could bring to your business. Well, to begin with you will be able to create a database containing your potential customers and thus you will manage to be organized. Also, you will manage to create relationships with these people and appear as an experienced man or woman. Not to mention that something like this will totally help you improve your image. Learn new things
If you want to be successful in your business you will have to push yourself and overcome your limits. When blogging, you will definitely have to bring something new to your readers, in order to make your work interesting. And sometimes you will come across new things. Well, you shouldn't let this remain a mystery for you, but you should do some research work and enrich your knowledge. Also, you shouldn't keep this just to yourself, but you should share this with people visiting your blog. Have fun
In the end you will have to understand that blogging is all about sharing your feelings, emotions and passions with the rest of the world. Thus, although it requires some effort from you, it is also a fun way to express yourself. Not to mention that it could help you come across people who share your views and appreciate your work. To conclude, it seems that owning a blog as a freelancer could only bring you advantages. As a result you shouldn't postpone this action and you should start blogging as soon as possible.