Photoshop Letterpress Effect on White Background

Letterpress effects look just awesome in any color! And I am a big fan of this effect. If you are like me you'll sure love this easy Photoshop tutorial showing how to create Letterpress effect on a white background using Photoshop.
  1. First thing to do is open your Photoshop and create new blank canvas about 500x300 pixel resolution.
  2. Write something by clicking Type Tool or pressing T, and change it's font to something bold, with 55pt size.
  3. Double click Text Layer to open Blending Options Box. Or click on Layer Menu - > Layer Style - > Blending Options.
  4. In Blending Option box, change multiply color to : #5c5c5c,  Distance : 2px, Size: 1px.
  5. Click Color Overly from the left list. Change Blend mode color to : #7f7f7f, Click ok and check your result on the canvas.


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