Responsive Share Buttons CSS and jQuery

Today let’s create a cool looking responsive share buttons for your website contents, which will be adjusted according to the users’ screen size. If you are not satisfied with your current share buttons, you can try this solution. Advantage of creating own set of share buttons is that, you can modify it to your heart content to fit your layout. And you don’t have to rely on bulky scripts that are loaded from anonymous servers, which could also slow down your page significantly.

Triggering callback after user stops typing jQuery

The snippet below triggers a callback when user stops typing on the input field. The process gets repeated everytime. This is a useful piece of snippet which can be used to trigger a custom callback function such as auto save or spelling checker etc.

Combine JS or CSS files with PHP

Combining Javascript and CSS files and can tremendously reduce the number of HTTP requests your page make, making your website lighter and faster. It’s one of those tweaks to improve your website performance. This snippet doesn’t minify files, it just simply combines multiple files into single one.

CSS3 Box Shadow & Online Generator

All modern browsers now support CSS3 effects, all we need is one line of CSS to achieve smooth drop shadow effect from HTML block elements, no more Photoshop images! Some older browsers like Firefox 4, Safari 5.1 or Chrome 10 still requires vendor prefixes for this to work.