List of Ajax, PHP and CSS Tutorials

Here are some noteworthy tutorials from, which I am sure will help contribute to your Web development projects. Most tutorials are pretty basic, and some are intermediate level, but not that mind boggling. Depending on your cognitive abilities you should be able to grasp them very easily. I’ll be updating this list often so do comeback time to time.

PHP Cache Dynamic Pages To Speed Up Load Times

If your website receives a good amount of traffic every day and your web pages are loading slow, you might want to consider implementing some sort of caching mechanism on your website to speed up page loading time. Because as we all know that each client-server request consists of many queries, loops, calculations, database queries etc. these all add up to processing time, which eventually increases page loading time. The simplest way to avoid all these is to create cache files and store them in a separate directory, which can later be served as fast loading static pages instead of dynamically generated pages.

26 Useful CSS3 Online Generators

If you are a Web Designer, you can cut down the development time by using these handy tools, which can generate nifty CSS3 codes for your web projects, all you have to do is just adjust the settings until you are satisfied with the result, and then copy-paste the generated CSS code in your project. Here I have compiled some of the coolest CSS generators, which I think are useful tools for any web designer.

20 High-Quality Vector Patterns

A few times when having a good set of vector patterns downloaded on your computer is if you are creating a design for a website or doing any form of work which include designing. Here we have gathered a total of 20 high-quality patterns you can use for any of your projects as all vectors listed here are royalty-free. Patterns are a great way to spark some life to your design projects. If you find a pattern you like, simply click through the image to download it.