An Introduction to shine.js

We all know that javascript is an amazing playground using which many cool things can be developed. Each and everyday new things(libraries , scripts ,plugins) are being developed which makes the continuous improvement in the web experience and performance. In this article, I’m going to introduce you to one of the same amazing javascript library famous as “Shine.js – A Library for pretty shadows”.

Add Youtube like loading bar on your website

Everyone notices Youtube loading bar on top of their video pages, it indicates page is loading and which actually looks pretty cool. Today I will show you how you can quickly add Youtube like progress bar on our website.

Ajax Image upload & Resize with PHP ImageMagick & jQuery

ImageMagick is great image processing for PHP, with ImageMagick you can resize your image, crop and do many other things in a very simple manner, it supports numerous image formats. Today we are going to create a very simple Ajax based image resize script using ImageMagick (PHP) and jQuery.

Draggable Element with JQuery (No jQuery UI)

Draggable feature in a webpage can bring a smooth user experience. If you want to enable draggable functionality to an element but without jQuery UI, here’s another jQuery snippet you can use. This snippet will make any DOM element draggable, which you can move around to different position on the viewport.