Check Facebook User Permissions (PHP)

I assume you are using Facebook PHP SDK in your project, if you need to check multiple permissions granted by the user using PHP, try following method. We will break string into an array, and then check for the permissions already granted by the user.

Facebook Twitter and Google Plus Fan Counts PHP

The Facebook, Twitter and Google plus data are available publicly in Json format, we can use some information to easily display number of likes, followers and circle counts in plain text. I wanted to include Feedburner Subscriber count code too, but too bad Google has decided to put an end to Awareness API, without it we can not display subscriber count in plain text.

Post to Facebook Group Wall PHP API

Since I wrote tutorial Post to Facebook Page Wall, few people have asked me to write a tutorial that will post messages on Group wall as well. If you look at previous examples, you should be pretty clear how everything works, posting message or link works very similar way as before, by issuing HTTP POST request to the GROUP_ID/feed.

Change Facebook Cover or Profile Pic with PHP

I have seen people making separate souvenir page on their websites, where they put some wonderful wallpapers, mini e-card or freewares, something to remember them by. But now times are changing with Facebook trend, so why not add some cool custom made Facebook cover images for your visitors? I am sure it will surely increase some visibility of your website on Facebook.