Ajax Image upload & Resize with PHP ImageMagick & jQuery

ImageMagick is great image processing for PHP, with ImageMagick you can resize your image, crop and do many other things in a very simple manner, it supports numerous image formats. Today we are going to create a very simple Ajax based image resize script using ImageMagick (PHP) and jQuery.

10 CSS HTML Form Designs

Let’s face it, HTML forms are integral part of the web, it’s a powerful and crucial tool for interacting with users. But without some styling and positioning, forms just look awful! So, how do you make it appealing and presentable? This is where the CSS comes into play. In this article I’ve compiled 10 Form styles which you can directly copy and use it on your website projects.

Simple Form validation jQuery snippet

There are plenty of powerful jQuery validation plugins out there to meet your needs, but sometimes your requirement is so little that you just don’t bother including these plugins into your page, you might just create your own simple validation for your Form. So here’s a simple jQuery validation script you can include in your form page and have almost powerful validation.

Image Preview (Thumbnails) before uploading – jQuery

If you are creating an image uploader, you can provide thumbnail preview of currently selected images in file input field. We don’t need to upload entire file to server to do that. File API is supported by all modern browsers, we just need to take advantage of this feature, it provides us with information about files and allows to access their content.