Set Cookies Get Cookies Delete Cookies with PHP

Cookies are small files created by server on a user computer, cookies are primarily used to store little information about anything, and when user visits your website next time the information stored in cookies can be retrieved and used in various purpose.

Check CURL is available using PHP

If you need to check whether curl is available in a web server, you can use snippet below to check available curl. The code below will check if curl is available and enabled in the web server.Usage :

Generate Random String Using PHP

The PHP snippet below generates a random string from given characters [0-9][a-z][A-Z]. You can just copy and use this PHP snippet in your projects.Usage:

Send PHP mail with Attachment

You probably know how to send email with PHP, it’s just few lines of code, but it gets bit tricky when you want to send an attachment with PHP email. So, today let’s find-out how we can send email with an attachment using PHP mail.